KCA Reliability Trial Report

November 1, 2016

On Sunday 30th October 2016 on a fresh misty Kentish  morning ten members of the WKRC took on the KCA reliability trial staring at Claygate. A low fog lay like a white blanket on the countryside as a heavy dew lay all around.

Our start time was 08:55 from the now desolate and boarded up White Hart PH another pub to be converted to a detached house such a shame as Lol had promised to buy the pints after the event!

We all set off at  steady pace as the roads were wet and the visibility was in some places  poor. But as time progressed the mist lifted and the weather got better and later on the sun even came out. We managed to stay on the route although we had one minor deviation and at a good pace with all riders taking a turn at the front we progressed.

This course  has only  two hills of note and the rest of the course was undulating but not too difficult. The WKRC team arrived at the first checkpoint on schedule and as we neared the finish the pace quickened but we all stayed together and arrived within the 4 hour objective having covered 63 miles. Our average speed was 16.5.mph  and with no punctures, no mishaps or horses we all agreed that it had been a good day out.

We all received a medal from the KCA and we returned to the car park to get changed and depart home just after 1pm. This was a great event to begin the winter schedule and perhaps you will come along next year it was only £3.50  to enter.

Take care.


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  • What a great day we had. Eight of us started out from Herne Bay, then in land to Canterbury. We had lunch in Sandwich before following the coast path back to Herne Bay with a quick stop for tea and cake in Minnis Bay.


  • Our Wednesday group continues to grow in popularity. Meet at Wilmington Memorial Hall at 09:00. Newcomers and e-bikes welcome. Average distance 30 miles.


Events CalendarMore

July 28, 2024
  • Sunday ride
      July 28, 2024 - 9:00 am - 1:30 pm


    Meet at the Memorial Hall in Wilmington at 09:00 for a 09:15 start. There are usually two groups. Group A aims to cover approximately 50 miles, while group B covers around 30 miles. Both groups stop for coffee half way.


July 31, 2024
  • Regular Wednesday ride
      July 31, 2024 - 9:30 am - 12:30 pm


    A more gentle ride out to a local cafe that is decided on the day. Approximate
    distance 30 to 40 miles.


August 2, 2024
  • Easy ride - Newcomers welcome.
      August 2, 2024 - 9:30 am - 1:30 pm


August 4, 2024
  • Sunday ride
      August 4, 2024 - 9:00 am - 1:30 pm


    Meet at the Memorial Hall in Wilmington at 09:00 for a 09:15 start. There are usually two groups. Group A aims to cover approximately 50 miles, while group B covers around 30 miles. Both groups stop for coffee half way.


August 6, 2024
  • Monthly Club Meeting
      August 6, 2024 - 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm


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