CANCELLED – Circuit Championship
July 21, 2021
It is with deep regret that this years Road Race event scheduled for SATURDAY 7THAUGUST 2021 AT CYCLOPARK has been CANCELLED.
The main reason for this is that we have been unable to obtain Insurance & support from British Cycling due to the impact of COVID. To ensure a safe race B.C would normally have a commissar present to ensure the event was properly conducted. Unfortunately August is a busy month and they have been unable to supply a suitable representative for what is in fact not an recognised B.C event. The Committee have looked at ways to try and get round this issue but it is not feasible for the event to run at Cyclopark without insurance. We hope to hold this event next year and will do our best to make sure it happens, because of this the Trophy will not be awarded to any person this year at the WKRC event on Friday 12th November 2021 at Birchwood Park Golf complex.
Safe Riding