Author Archives: Laurence Toombs

  1. Club Night Sports Massage

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    If you would like a sports massage please let us know by opening this post and using the contact form provided. Brent may not be in attendance but he will arrange for one (or two) of his students to come along.



    Please book no later than 4 days before club night so I can give Brent plenty of notice.






      Your Name (required)

      Your Email *

      Massage Required *


    • 15th May Club run to Yalding

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      After the usual social niceties were dispensed with and discussions concerning café destination (Yalding Tea Pot) and applicable route decided upon, we set of a cold but bright and only slightly breezy Sunday morning.  Numbers only just reached into double figures which was slightly disappointing given the weather and time of year, however we left in equally bright (if slightly breezy) spirits.

      We rode of past the back of Swanley Park through the village and into Horton Kirby where apart from a little fly tip hurdling up School Lane, all was peaceful and quite. This was until we re-grouped at the top of Wrotham Hill and flew down in our own individual interpretations of “break neck speed”. The split was as inevitable as if we had ridden back up it. We re-grouped on Teston Road heading towards Offham. As we passed the Spadeworks it was suggested that if anybody was feeling the pace and wanted to stop of early then this would be a good place. Pat and Lee took up this offer.  A mad dash ensued past Kings Hill and into Mereworth where we jumped onto the A26 into Wateringbury. The pace eventually relented into Nettlestead before we all reached the tea pot full agreement that this stop was needed. The weather was trying to do its best to enhance the mood, when the sun shone through it was quite possibly short sleeve jersey’s and shorts but there was still a cold wind that could be felt when the sun was hidden behind the far to prevalent clouds.

      Fed and watered (once Mac was settled on a sausage sandwich) we quickly got back out on the roads. We sauntered through the beautiful, blossoming lanes around East Peckham and Hadlow. Continuing on through Plaxtol, Stone Street and up through Seal and Kemsing to catch the end of the Pilgrims Way. Unfortunately at the back of the Wildernesse golf course just before Seal, Mac had a big blow out (or struck a sweet nine iron) which although everybody sat up, he was unable to fix and told us he’d call home for assistance. Anyhow back on the A225, all of us were still together but as often on this run to Eyensford we split. I’m not sure of the complete order at the hitting of the sign but won’t say who was first – as he’s an ex-member!  A slower pace through Eynesford and onto Horton Kirby bought us all back together again for the final run/s home.

      As mentioned earlier, a shame about the numbers but those who rode will agree it was those who didn’t come out were the ones who missed out. The ride, the route, the weather, the sights, the craic at the café but most of all, the ride.


    • WKRC Remembrance Ride. NOW MOVED to 8th November.

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      Quick report from Trevor:

      Today 8th November 2015 the WKRC took part in their annual Ride of
      Remembrance which is normally held on the Saturday before Remembrance Day
      each year.
      Yesterday due to the bad weather the ride was cancelled and held today and a
      few remembered the FEW by visiting two memorials and placing a poppy on
      behalf of all WKRC members.



    • Club Run to Aylesford 27th Sept.

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      Please note we will not be going to the Priory, we will go to Cobtree Park instead. After you pass over the level crossing do not turn left over the bridge as normal but follow the road through two 90 degree right turns. The park and café are about half a mile up the road on the left.

    • New Year, Renew Your Membership

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      Please make mine a little happier by paying your subs as soon as you can. The West Kent Road Club still offers outstanding value for money with fees of only £20 for First claim and £8 for Social membership.



      We now have lots of fun ways to pay too:



      Hard cash (always a favourite)



      Cheque (if your bank still does that type of thing)



      And new for 2015 our very own PayPal card machine. Bring along your credit/debit card to Club night and we’ll show you how easy it is.



      All payments must be accompanied by a completed membership form, available on below. (or check your e-mail because I sent you one!)



      Don’t be the last to pay up, the stigma is unbearable.





    • 30th November. Yalding.

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      Could be the Tea-pot.  If it’s not open then just down the road for an enormous portion of “Turbo power” for the way home.

    • Remembrance Weekend 8/9 November

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      Incorporated in to our weekly training ride on the 8th November , six members of the Club visited memorials to downed RAF fighter pilots from the Battle of Britain. We learnt of the sites from the Battle of Britain museum in Shoreham where we often stop on the training rides and make use of the café there. The memorials we visited are in Court lodge Farm, Warren road, Chelsfield and Sparepenny Lane, Farningham. If you get a chance, try to make a visit and pay your respects.

      Crosses were placed at each memorial, thanks to Alan Brown and the Swanley branch of the Royal British Legion, and we remembered the pilots with a few words  and a minute silence and reflection for the sacrifice they made.

      My thanks to Steve & Josh Harris, Andrew & Thomas Floyd, Mark Morrison and Neil (who joined us at the meeting point) for taking the time and making it a successful occasion.


      More pictures can be found in the gallery.



    • Saturday training ride.

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      What washout? It had stopped raining by quarter past eight and not too cold. Alright, the roads were a bit damp, but the West Kent Hard Core loonies were there. Matthew and Lol went via Sandy Lane and got round with no incident. Stopped at the Battle of Britain Museum in Shoreham for a monster scone and bacon door-step with a cuppa. Lovely little café that we should make more use of, but it closes for the winter at the end of October. Open for the Remembrance weekend in November, then closed again until Easter.

    • 7th October. AGM.

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      At the Wilmington Memorial Hall. Hall opens at 20:00 and a prompt start at 20:30 please. Please forward your nominations for any position on the Committee to me as soon as possible.

    • Spot the West Kenters!

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      Check out this clip: L2P to see Alan Brown and Dave “Billy Whizz” Newby in Paris after completing another Pedal to Paris to help the Royal British Legion.

      Although not featured in the clip, congratulations also to Greg and Tracey Rowe and Mike Holmes.

    • Roadworks in Eynsford

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      At last they have re-surfaced the main road outside the school.

    • 24th August. Aylesford Priory.

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      Shorter route will be Saturday route A or B (decided on the day)


      Any new members please make yourself known to the ride leaders, if its your first ride out with us you will go with the short route to be assessed as to the level your at.

    • 31st August. Trossley Country Park.

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      Both runs to go for the legendary sausage sarnie. One ride will be a long route and the other a shorter route.


      Any new members please make yourself known to the ride leaders, if its your first ride out with us you will go with the short route to be assessed as to the level your at.

    • 17th August. Tunbridge Wells/Westerham.

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      Main run to Tunbridge Wells, choose on the day between Calverly Park or the Velo House.  Shorter, slower ride to Westerham for those finding their feet.

    • 10th August. Penshurst Place or Westerham.

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      Main Club run will go to Penshurst Place, the café within the grounds but no need for admission to the house. A shorter and slower run will go to Westerham. This is all weather dependent, be prepared for wind and rain and possibly a last minute change of plan.

    • My first experience with West Kent RC.

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      I have done few charity bike rides including the London to Brighton and had been out on the odd weekend for some longer rides. I am by no means a super fit, sleek, svelte biking fanatic but I do enjoy a good bike ride and decided that I needed to join a club for fitness, motivation and above all enjoyment.


      The temptation to stay in bed coupled with the nerves of the unknown nearly got the better of me, however I managed to drag myself from my slumber and get myself to the meeting point.


      Even getting out of the car I was so nervous and really did not know what to expect. So many questions.

      Am I going to keep up? I don’t want to be dragging everyone back.

      Am I going to be fit enough to last the distance?

      Am I going to make a complete arse of myself?

      Are they going to look at me in my T-Shirt and normal shorts like an alien who has no right to be gracing their presence let alone attempting to ride along side them?

      Its nerve wracking!


      I needn’t have been worried, the guys were all so welcoming, and yes I am definitely the odd one out as my legs were far hairy than most of the men’s and yes I was the slowest one and spent all the ride at the back but at no point was I made to feel like a liability or hindrance. Every one was so supportive and encouraging; they all took the time to talk to me offering me advice and tips. We stopped for coffee and cake, which gave me a much needed breather and chance to chat the guys some more.


      I would thoroughly recommend this group to anyone who is a fairly keen cyclist who wants to improve, get fitter, see some beautiful countryside and meet some friendly new like mind cyclists.


      The ride was approx. 25 miles and an average speed of about 12miles an hour  


      Will I be going back again?

      Most definitely.


    • ECCA 10 mile TT

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      Five West Kent members signed up for this event on the E2/10 near Newmarket. Basically it’s a blast up and down part of the A11 dual carriageway but we were given plenty of space by the vehicles. Rain threatened but apart from a few spots didn’t really materialise. The wind however was present, in your face on the way to the turn and then a good push home.

      Here’s how we did:

      Colin Ashcroft No 53  24:02

      John Jenkins No 59 25:40

      Lol Toombs No 63 23:21 (PB)

      Colin Record No 79 DNF

      Gary Record No 120 DNS

      Sunday 3rd Lol is taking part in the Fred Peachey Memorial Open 25 on the Q25/20 (Harrietsham) hosted by the De Laune CC.   I started and all was going well until four miles from the finish I hit a pot-hole and punctured both tyres! I was prepared for one, but not two. A ride back to HQ on Christian House’s old bike was not how I wanted to finish.

      Next week Colin is entered in a “sporting 50” on the same course. Rather him than me!!




    • Dartford Festival. 19th & 20th July. Show Report

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      Lol and myself got down to Dartford park at 9:50 to set the stand up as the cars had to be gone at 10:30. As it was a bit short notice we had to improvise on what we had, we would like to think we did a good job.



      With one of our new flags outside the tent to show people where we were and hopefully to bring them flocking in.

      The show officially started at 12 the first few hours were slow with a few inquires but a few people seemed interested, it got busy around 3pm but by that time there was 4 of us on our stand with Alex who came down for an hour with Kirsty and the kids at midday and ended up staying till 4 and Mark Morrison who came down after work.

      Apart from the heat it was good and hopefully productive with at times all 4 of us busy talking to people, lets hope today is the same the only difference being we have to give a talk to an audience as part of being allowed the space for free, i have drawn the short straw but with the help of Alex, i have a sort of script to use.


      The pair of us managed a lie in as we did not have to be there till 11am as there was something starting at 11:30, the only difference to the stand was we added some old shirts from various charity rides.

      We were joined later on in the day by Alex, Mark and Steve Trudge who had come straight from the club run still dressed in full kit which looked good and made us stand out a bit more.

      It was a fairly busy day with a lot of positive enquires, so we can only hope these turn into at least one new member.

      The only downside was as we were packing away the thunder arrived with the pouring rain, so loading was delayed whilst the people hurriedly cleared the area, lucky for us Roy Siggs and Matt turned up to help us pack away.

      On the whole we think it went well and can only look forward to next year and making it bigger and better with a hope to win the mayors choice of stand award.



      NB – Quick update we have had our first enquiry coming from the show.


    • 20th July. Hoo Marina.

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      Cheeseburger, anyone? Go through the residential entrance, there is a fascist jobsworth on the gate to the marina. Or you could go down the gravelly footpath.

    • Membership subs.

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      For those of you yet to pay your subs for 2014, you are now more than four months overdue. If you need a renewal form, please let me know.

      Subs remain at £20 for first claim membership and £8 for social membership.

    • This weeks Club run to Four elms (updated)

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      It will be about 21 miles to the café via Otford/Chipstead/Toys Hill courtesy of my Mio 505. We should arrive at the cafe @ 10:45

    • Mio GPS device

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      I bought the 505 and so far I’m very pleased with it. Look out for a full review soon. Don’t forget we have an exclusive WKRC discount, e-mail me for the code. LoL