Author Archives: Paul Townley

  1. WKRC 2016 Club Road Race Championship

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    Hi All,

    Here are the final details for the above at Cyclopark, Gravesend, on Saturday 30th July.

    We have the whole track booked from 12.00 – 3.00pm.

    Signing on will begin at 12.30pm (You can of course ride on the track from 12.00)

    The race will start at 1.30pm and finish at approx. 2.30pm (You can remain on the track for a warm down etc untill 3.00pm)

    There will be a short presentation after the race, around 3pm.

    The awards will be for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall. (This will include ALL riders, whether 1st or 2nd claim members). There will also be an award for the highest placed Over 40 veteran. (This will only apply to 1st claim members)

    The highest placed 1st claim member will become the 2016 Club Road Race Champion and will be presented with the club Trophy at the Annual Christmas Dinner and Dance.

    The cost to ride the event will be as follows : £10 Entry fee, plus British Cycling Day Licence.

    British Cycling Day Licence fee is as follows : Ride member or Non – member £10

    Bronze member £5

    Gold / Silver member – Free of charge

    The event is open to ALL 1st and 2nd Claim members only. So come along, support your club and enjoy the ride.

    Hope to see many of you there.


    Paul Townley

    Road Race Secretary


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    Dear West Kenters,

    The 2016 WKRC Road Race championship will take place on Saturday 30th July at the Cyclopark road cicuit, Gravesend.

    The club have booked the whole circuit from 1200 – 1500. This will give everybody ample time to set-up the event, practice, warm-up, race, warm-down, pose for photographs etc.

    The format will be a one -hour scratch race for all 1st claim members only, from all categories. First across the line will be our 2016 Club Champion. There will also be an award for the highest placed Over 40 rider. The race will be held under British Cycling rules and regulations. The race is registered with BC and we have a full Race permit.

    2014 saw only 9 riders take part. Last year we saw some improvement with 14 riders taking part. We hope to see an even better turn-out this year. Please do try to come along and participate. You’ll be supporting the club and regardless of where you finish, ‘It’s the taking part that counts’.

    For those that haven’t ridden at Cyclopark, it’s a great circuit for this type of short ‘Crit’ type event. It’s quite testing in places, but fast and flowing, with a lovely smooth surface. It’s relatively safe, as everyone is going in the same direction and it’s traffic free.

    There will be further information realeased over the next week or so, via emails and this website.



    Paul Townley

  3. West Kent Road Club, Club Championship

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    Hi West Kenters,

    Here are the final details for the Road Race championship this coming Sunday (14.6.15).

    We have booked the track at Cyclopark from 10am. Anyone who isn’t planing on riding, your help will be appreciated.

    Signing – on will take place from 11.00 – 12.00pm. (You can of course ride on the track from 10am). Race will start at 12.30pm and finish at approx. 1.30pm. Presentation will be at 2.00pm.

    The awards will be for 1st, 2nd and 3rd overall. There will also be an award for the highest placed Over 40 vet.

    The cost to ride the event will be: £10 entry fee, plus British Cycling Day licence.

    British Cycling Day Licence fee is as follows: Ride member or Non – member – £10

    Bronze member – £5

    Gold / Silver member – Free

    The event is open to all First claim members only. So come along, support your club, enjoy the ride.

    Hope to see you all there

    Paul Townley, Road Race Secretary

  4. WKRC, Club Road Race Championship 2015

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    Dear West Kenters,


    The 2015 WKRC Road Race championships will be taking place on the 14th June at the Cyclopark road circuit, Gravesend.

    The club have booked the circuit from 10am – 2pm. This will give us ample time to set-up the event, practice, warm-up, race, warm-down, pose for photographs etc.

    The race will start around 12 – 12.30 and will probably be a one hour scratch race for all 1st claim members only, from ALL categories. First across the line will be our 2015 Club Champion. There will also be awards for age groups eg. Over 40, 45, 50, and so on.

    Last year saw only 9 riders start the event. We hope to see a better turn-out this year, please do try to come along and participate. ‘It’s the taking part’ that counts.

    For those that haven’t ridden at Cyclopark, it’s a great circuit for this type of short ‘Crit’ type event. It’s quite testing in places, but fast flowing. It’s relatively safe, as everyone’s going in the same direction (Hopefully) and it’s traffic free.

    Further info to follow.


    Paul Townley, Road Race Secretary